Trade Show Executive offers flexible and fully customizable research to provide a detailed look into customer behavior and opinions.
10-12 Question survey
Target audience determined by customer
Includes qualifying questions
Report provided back to client
Statistically viable data (minimum of 100 people surveyed)
Topical focus
Includes incentive for participation (i.e. raffle of 2 AmEx Card)
Data “nuggets” shared via social media
Customer owns content and can share via their outlets
Advertising Opportunities
Secure a monthly placement or extend your ad program for multiple months to ensure top-tier visibility.
Billboard Placement:
600x200 billboard placed at the top of Editor’s Picks
1 month: $1,664
6 months: $8,735
12 months: $14,975
Leaderboard Placement:
600x100 leaderboard placed between the articles; 3 spots per month
1 month: $1,144
6 months: $5,616
12 months: $8,735
Submitting Files:
For questions about submitting your ad contact:
Thomas Clifford
(630) 479-4096
Rick Simon
(312) 922-8558